Entries for the year 2007

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Number of items: 102.


Ardaiz, Oscar ; Chacin, Pablo ; Chao, Isaac ; Freitag, Felix ; Navarro, Leandro ; Joita, Liviu ; Rana, Omer F. ; Streitberger, Werner ; Hudert, Sebastian ; Eymann, Torsten:
Proof-of-Concept Application - Annual Report Year 3.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 27 )


Baier, Robert ; Chahma, Ilyes Aïssa ; Lempio, Frank:
Stability and Convergence of Euler's Method for State-Constrained Differential Inclusions.
Bayreuth , 2007

Bauerfeind, Stephanie Sandra:
Evolutionary and proximate constraints on egg size in butterflies.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Becker, Nora Kim:
Die Steuerung physiologischer Anpassungen von Blattläusen an veränderte ökologische Bedingungen durch endokrine Signale.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Becker, Stephanie ; Grüne, Lars ; Semmler, Willi:
Comparing accuracy of second order approximation and dynamic programming.
Bayreuth , 2007

Berkner, Silvia:
Entwicklung eines Sulfolobus-E. coli Shuttle-Vektors basierend auf dem Plasmid pRN1.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Block, Petra:
The Creolization of Food in New Orleans.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Languages and Literature)

Burkhardt, Markus:
Micelles and Interpolyelectrolyte Complexes formed by Polyisobutylene-block-Poly([meth]acrylic acid) - Synthesis of Polymers and Characterization in Aqueous Solutions.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Buss, Georg ; Parasie, Nils ; Veit, Daniel ; Catalano, Michele ; Chacin, Pablo ; Chao, Isaac ; Freitag, Felix ; Navarro, Leandro ; Rana, Omer F. ; Joita, Liviu ; Schnizler, Björn ; Streitberger, Werner ; Eymann, Torsten:
Performance Evaluation - Annual Report Year 3.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 28 )


Eckert, Barbara:
Die Bedeutung der Stabilität und des Faltungsmechanismus des Gen-3-Proteins filamentöser Phagen für die Infektion von Escherichia coli.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Essigke, Timm:
A Continuum Electrostatic Approach for Calculating The Binding Energetics of Multiple Ligands.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Eymann, Torsten:
Tagungsband zum Doctoral Consortium der WI2007.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 24 )

Eymann, Torsten ; Matros, Raimund ; König, Stefan:
A Policy Framework including Trust and Reputation in Grid Environments.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 25 )


Fösel, Bärbel U.:
Mikrobiologie der Stickstoffentfernung in den Biofiltern einer marinen Aquakultur mit geschlossenem Wasserkreislauf.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Füssel, Ulrike:
Floral Scent in Salix L. and the Role of Olfactory and Visual Cues for Pollinator Attraction of Salix caprea L.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Gaul, Constantin ; Kurz, Sascha ; Rambau, Jörg:
Lotsize optimization leading to a p-median problem with cardinalities.
Bayreuth , 2007

Groh, Christopher ; Richter, Reinhard ; Rehberg, Ingo ; Busse, Friedrich H.:
Reorientation of a hexagonal pattern under broken symmetry : The hexagon flip.
In: Physical Review E. Vol. 76 (November 2007) Issue 5 . - Art. Nr. 055301(R).
ISSN 1550-2376
DOI der Verlagsversion: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.76.055301

Grüne, Lars:
Analysis and Design of Unconstrained Nonlinear MPC Schemes for Finite and Infinite Dimensional Systems.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars:
Computing stability and performance bounds for unconstrained NMPC schemes.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Junge, Oliver:
Approximately optimal nonlinear stabilization with preservation of the Lyapunov function property.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Kloeden, Peter E. ; Siegmund, Stefan ; Wirth, Fabian:
Lyapunov's second method for nonautonomous differential equations.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Nešić, Dragan ; Pannek, Jürgen:
Model predictive control for nonlinear sampled-data systems.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen ; Worthmann, Karl ; Nešić, Dragan:
Redesign Techniques for Nonlinear Sampled-data Systems : Entwurfstechniken für nichtlineare Abtastsysteme.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Rantzer, Anders:
On the Infinite Horizon Performance of Receding Horizon Controllers.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Semmler, Willi:
Asset pricing with loss aversion.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Semmler, Willi ; Bernard, Lucas:
Firm value, diversified capital assets, and credit risk: towards a theory of default correlation.
Bayreuth , 2007

Grüne, Lars ; Worthmann, Karl:
Sampled-data redesign for nonlinear multi-input systems.
Bayreuth , 2007

Götz, Alexander:
Soziale Belastung während der Trächtigkeit bei Long-Evans Laborratten (Rattus norvegicus) und ihre Effekte auf die Reproduktion sowie die Physiologie, das Verhalten und die Reproduktion ihrer Nachkommen.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Hackenschmidt, Reinhard ; Troll, Alexander ; Roith, Bernd:
Chancen und Risiken des unreflektierten Gebrauchs von FEM-Programmen.
Event: PTC World Conference 2007 , 2007 , München.
(Conference item: Conference , Speech )

Hagedorn, Gregor:
Structuring Descriptive Data of Organisms — Requirement Analysis and Information Models.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Hartung, Marianne:
A Detailed Treatment of the Measurement of Transport Coefficients in Transient Grating Experiments.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)

Heidenreich, Georg:
Trade unions and the informal economy in Zambia: Building strength or loosing ground?
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers ; 5 )

Herrmann, Franziska:
Monochloracetat in der Umwelt.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Hertel, Eduard:
Ohne Moos nix los : Moose im Ökologisch-Botanischen Garten der Universität Bayreuth.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - 30 P.

Hildner, Richard:
Investigation of the Photophysical Properties of pi-Conjugated Polymers. A Study by Non-Linear, Time-Resolved, and Single-Molecule Spectroscopy.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)

Hörhammer, Christian:
Nicht-Markovsche Dynamik, Dekohärenz und Verschränkung in dissipativen Quantensystemen.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)


Jhumur, Umma Salma:
Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae): Attraction of nectar-seeking mosquitoes to inflorescence odours, and temporal variation of flower scent and flower visitors.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Jurasinski, Gerald:
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Biodiversity and their Drivers - Method Development and Application.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Kallache, Malaak:
Trends and Extreme Values of River Discharge Time Series.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Kantor, Innokentiy:
High-pressure and high-temperature structural and electronic properties of (Mg,Fe)O and FeO.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Kather, Insa:
Stabilisierung von Proteinen durch in vitro-Evolution - Selektion und biophysikalische Charakterisierung.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Khan, Saleh Ahamad:
New delimitations and phylogenetic relationships of Sabiceeae (Ixoroideae, Rubiaceae) and revision of the Neotropical species of Sabicea Aubl.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Kiel, Rainer-Maria:
Bayreuther Hausnummern-, Adreß- und Einwohnerbücher - Einführung.
Bayreuther Hausnummern-, Adreß- und Einwohnerbücher. Vol. Einführung (2007) .

Kiermaier, Michael ; Kurz, Sascha:
Inclusion-maximal integral point sets over finite fields.
Bayreuth , 2007

Knieling, Holger ; Richter, Reinhard ; Rehberg, Ingo ; Matthies, Gunar ; Lange, Adrian:
Growth of surface undulations at the Rosensweig instability.
In: Physical Review E. Vol. 76 (December 2007) Issue 6 . - Art. Nr. 066301.
ISSN 1550-2376
DOI der Verlagsversion: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.76.066301

Kohnert, Axel:
Symmetric functions in MAGMA.
Bayreuth , 2007

Kohnert, Axel ; Kurz, Sascha:
Integral point sets over Z_n^m.
Bayreuth , 2007

Kolbusa, Stefanie:
"Kwa Raha Zangu" - Zu meinem Vergnügen. Modern Taarab: Aufführungspraxis und Bezüge zum Alltag.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Languages and Literature)

Kreisel, Tobias ; Kurz, Sascha:
There are integral heptagons, no three points on a line, no four on a circle.
Bayreuth , 2007

Kuhn, Robert:
Coherent Transport of Matter Waves in Disordered Optical Potentials.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)

Kurz, Sascha:
Convex hulls of polyominoes.
Bayreuth , 2007

Kurz, Sascha:
Enumeration of integral tetrahedra.
Bayreuth , 2007

Kurz, Sascha:
Integral point sets over finite fields.
Bayreuth , 2007

Kurz, Sascha ; Wassermann, Alfred:
On the minimum diameter of plane integral point sets.
Bayreuth , 2007


Liu, Jun:
(Na,K) Aluminosilicate Hollandites: Structures, Crystal Chemistry, and High-pressure Behaviour.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Lüers, Johannes ; Bareiss, Jörg:
The Arctic Turbulence Experiment 2006, Direct measurements of turbulent fluxes in the near surface environment at high latitudes applying the eddy-covariance method, Part 1.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 31 )

Lüers, Johannes ; Bareiss, Jörg:
The Arctic Turbulence Experiment 2006, Direct measurements of turbulent fluxes in the near surface environment at high latitudes applying the eddy-covariance method, Part 2.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 32 )

Lüers, Johannes ; Bareiss, Jörg:
The Arctic Turbulence Experiment 2006, Direct measurements of turbulent fluxes in the near surface environment at high latitudes applying the eddy-covariance method, Part 3.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 33 )


Mann, Ute:
Physical and chemical constraints on core - mantle differentiation in terrestrial planets.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Martínez Jerves, Juan Alfredo:
Sekundäre Bergregenwälder in Südecuador:Der Einfluss der Art der Störung auf das Spektrum der Pflanzenarten und die Waldstruktur, eine vegetationskundliche Analyse.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Matthias, Kador:
Lokalisierung und molekulare Charakterisierung eines Pederin produzierenden Endosymbionten der Gattung Pseudomonas aus dem Kurzflügler Paederus riparius(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Metzger, Stefan ; Foken, Thomas:
COPS experiment - Convective and orographically induced precipitation study, 01 June 2007 – 31 August 2007.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 34 )

Mundt, Michael:
Orbital Functionals in Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)

Müller, Matthias ; Schöpf, Wolfgang ; Rehberg, Ingo:
Experimental observation of a nonpitchfork acceleration instability in a nematic liquid crystal.
In: Physical Review E. Vol. 76 (October 2007) Issue 4 . - Art. Nr. 041704.
ISSN 1550-2376
DOI der Verlagsversion: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.76.041704

Müller, Matthias ; Schöpf, Wolfgang ; Rehberg, Ingo ; Timme, Andreas ; Lattermann, Günter:
Fréedericksz transition in a thermoreversible nematic gel.
In: Physical Review E. Vol. 76 (December 2007) Issue 6 . - Art.Nr. 061701.
ISSN 1550-2376
DOI der Verlagsversion: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.76.061701


Naumann, Joachim ; Simader, Christian G.:
Measure and Integration on Lipschitz-Manifolds.
Bayreuth , 2007


Oerke, Britta:
Natur- und Umweltschutzbewusstsein: Dimensionalität und Validität beim Messen von Einstellungen und Verhalten.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Olszowka, Violetta:
Ausrichtung von Blockcopolymerfilmen im Elektrischen Feld: Eine In-Situ Rasterkraftmikroskopische Untersuchung.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Pandey, Rahul:
Regulation of Progression through Unperturbed Mitosis and in the Presence of Environmental Stress.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Pfeiffer, Frauke:
Development of Molecular Glasses for Solvent-Free Photolithography utilizing Combinatorial Vapor Deposition.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Phan, Thi Phuong Trang:
Construction and analysis of novel controllable expression vectors for Bacillus subtilis.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Piontek, Christian:
Molekularbiologische Gewinnung von RNase 40-124 Fragmenten zur Synthese von einheitlichen Glycoproteinen durch native chemische Ligation.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Plamper, Felix:
Star-shaped Polyelectrolytes.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Proch, Sebastian:
Katalysatordesign als Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigeren Chemie.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Rambau, Jörg ; Schwarz, Cornelius:
Zwei auf einen Streich: Optimierte dynamische Einsatzplanung für Gelbe Engel und Lastenaufzüge.
Bayreuth , 2007

Reichmann, Thomas:
Vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen in Grid-Ökonomien.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 22 )
(Master's, 2007, University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Law, Business and Economics)

Rollenske, Sönke:
Nilmanifolds: complex structures, geometry and deformations.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)


Schlüter, Michael:
Synergismen bei der Erosion von amorphen Kohlenwasserstoffschichten mit niederenergetischen und thermischen Teilchenstrahlen, eine In-Situ-Ellipsometriestudie.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)

Schmauß-Schreiner, Deborah:
Experimental studies on the adsorption of SO2 on volcanic ashes.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Schmid, Andreas:
Incentive Compatibility and Efficiency in the Contractual Insurer-Provider Relationship - Economic Theory and Practical Implications: The Case of North Carolina.
Bayreuth , 2007
(Master's, 2007, University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Law, Business and Economics)

Schmidt, Kristin:
Orientation and Phase Behavior of Block Copolymers in External Electric Fields.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Schmidt, Markus:
Canopy transpiration of beech forests in Northern Bavaria – Structure and function in pure and mixed stands with oak at colline and montane sites.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Sehnert, Jan:
The Ab Initio Calculation of the Chemical Shift Tensor and its Application for the Structure Determination in Ordered and Disordered Phases by Means of Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Siebicke, Lukas ; Serafimovich, Andrei:
Ultraschallanemometer-Überprüfung im Windkanal der TU Dresden.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 30 )

Speierl, Thomas:
Fischökologische Funktionalität von Fließgewässerrenaturierungen im oberfränkischen Mainsystem.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Springer, Armin:
Methyljasmonat induzierte Seneszenz in Chloroplasten aus Primärblättern der Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.): Analyse der Ultrastruktur und des Proteinimports.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Stanislaus, John Bosco:
Single Molecule Study of Polymer-Surfactant Interactions.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Staudt, Katharina ; Foken, Thomas:
Documentation of reference data for the experimental areas of the Bayreuth Centre for Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER) at the Waldstein site.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 35 )

Streitberger, Werner ; Eymann, Torsten:
CATNETS Final Activity Report.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 29 )

Streitberger, Werner ; Eymann, Torsten ; Zini, Floriano ; Schnizler, Björn ; Vo, Hong Tuan Kiet:
Simulator Development - Annual Report Year 3.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 26 )

Sturm, Heike:
Motivationale Variablen und Wissenserwerb beim Lernen an Stationen zum Thema "Vogelflug und Auftrieb im Biologieunterricht".
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Tran, Dang Khoa:
Phosphate nutrition in the Ricinus communis L. seedling.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Ulbrich, Rüdiger:
Glasbildende Sternmoleküle für photoschaltbare cholesterische Phasen.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Ullrich, Thorsten:
Soil microbial community structure and function of agriculturally used Mollisols in the periurban area around Buenos Aires, Argentina, with emphasis on pesticide and heavy metal contamination.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Veit, Daniel ; Buss, Georg ; Schnizler, Björn ; Neumann, Dirk ; Streitberger, Werner ; Eymann, Torsten:
Theoretical and Computation Basis for CATNETS - Annual Report Year 3.
Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther Arbeitspapiere zur Wirtschaftsinformatik ; 23 )

Voit, Albert:
Photothermische Strukturierung binärer Polymermischungen.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)

von Suchodoletz, Hans:
Investigations of the geomorphologic and pedologic system of sedimentary vega deposits from Lanzarote (Canary Islands) supported by luminescence dating – important steps towards their palaeoclimatic interpretation.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Wang, Yiran:
Esterase 2-oligodeoxynucleotide conjugates as enzyme reporter for electrochemical detection of DNA and identification of bacterial species.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

Wittko, Gerhard:
Über den Einfluss molekularer Parameter auf die Transporteigenschaften organischer Lösungsmittel.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences)

Wolf, Christian:
Untersuchungen zur Ausbildung hochgeordneter Strukturen in lamellaren Tensidphasen.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2007 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)


Zimmermann, Martin ; Rieg, Frank:
Berechnung von vorgespannten Schraubenverbindungen mit der FEA.
In: Rieg, Frank ; Hackenschmidt, Reinhard (ed.): Tagungsband: 9. Bayreuther 3D-Konstrukteurstag. - Bayreuth : Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionslehre und CAD, Universität Bayreuth , 2007 . - (Bayreuther 3D-Konstrukteurstag )
ISBN 978-3-00-022367-9

Zuber, Tobias:
Untersuchungen zum Wasserhaushalt eines Fichtenwaldstandorts unter Berücksichtigung der Humusauflage.
Bayreuth , 2007
( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)

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