Title data
Braun, Philipp ; Faulwasser, Timm ; Grüne, Lars ; Kellett, Christopher M. ; Weller, Steven R. ; Worthmann, Karl:
Hierarchical distributed ADMM for predictive control with applications in power networks.
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Project information
Project title: |
Project's official title Project's id DFG-Projekt "Analyse der Regelgüte für verteilte und multikriterielle Modellprädiktive Regelung" GR 1569/13-1 DFG-Grant WO 2056/1 Elite-Program for PostDocs No information |
Project financing: |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Baden-Württemberg-Stiftung |
We present a variant of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) that can be implemented in a hierarchical distributed fashion for large-scale systems where the coupling between subsystems occurs in a structured way in the cost function. We show that this ADMM algorithm can be embedded in a model predictive control (MPC) implementation and subsequently apply this to three battery scheduling problems in the context of residential microgrid electricity networks.