Müller, Georg ; Schiela, Anton:
On the Control of Time Discretized Dynamical Contact Problems.
University of Bayreuth, Germany
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Offizieller Projekttitel Projekt-ID BMBF-Projekt "Simulation des Abriebs von Knieimplantaten und Optimierung der Form zur patientengruppenspezifischen Abriebminimierung" (SOAK) - Teilprojekt 3 05M2013 |
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Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung |
We consider optimal control problems with distributed control that involve a time-stepping formulation of dynamical one body contact problems as constraints. We link the continuous and the time-stepping formulation by a nonconforming finite element discretization, and derive existence of optimal solutions and strong stationarity conditions. We use this information for a steepest descent type optimization scheme based on the resulting adjoint scheme and implement its numerical application.
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- On the Control of Time Discretized Dynamical Contact Problems. (deposited 21 Okt 2015 09:40) [Aktuelle Anzeige]