Publications "Brand, André"
Jump to: Article in a journal | Doctoral thesis Number of items: 2. Article in a journal
Kaiser, Benjamin ; Brand, André ; Glässl, Martin ; Vagov, Alexei ; Axt, Vollrath Martin ; Pietsch, U.:
Photoionization of resonantly driven atomic states by an extreme ultraviolet-free-electron laser: intensity dependence and renormalization of Rabi frequencies. In: New Journal of Physics. Vol. 15 (2013) Issue 9 . - 093016. ISSN 1367-2630 DOI der Verlagsversion: Doctoral thesis
Brand, André:
Coherent ionization dynamics induced by intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses. Bayreuth , 2016 . - XI, 131 P. ( Doctoral thesis, 2016 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences) |