Institutions of the University of Bayreuth
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Bäumler, Judith:
Charakterisierung der Hypoxie-induzierten Transkriptionsfaktoren AtLBD41 und AtERF#111/ABR1 aus Arabidopsis thaliana.
. - XI, 134 + 1CD P.
Doctoral thesis,
, University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)
Müller, Jana T.:
Molekulare und physiologische Charakterisierung der Überlebensstrategien von Wildpflanzen der Brassicaceae bei Überflutung.
. - X, 152 + 1CD P.
Doctoral thesis,
, University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)
Hess, Natalia ; Richter, Simon ; Liebthal, Michael ; Dietz, Karl-Josef ; Mustroph, Angelika:
The Phosphofructokinase Isoform AtPFK5 Is a Novel Target of Plastidic Thioredoxin-f-Dependent Redox Regulation.
In: Antioxidants.
Vol. 10
Issue 3
- No. 401.
ISSN 2076-3921
DOI der Verlagsversion:
Wittig, Philipp R. ; Ambros, Stefanie ; Müller, Jana T. ; Bammer, Bettina ; Álvarez-Cansino, Leonor ; Konnerup, Dennis ; Pedersen, Ole ; Mustroph, Angelika:
Two Brassica napus cultivars differ in gene expression, but not in their response to submergence.
In: Physiologia Plantarum.
Vol. 171
Issue 3
- pp. 400-415.
ISSN 1399-3054
DOI der Verlagsversion:
Bäumler, Judith ; Riber, Willi ; Klecker, Maria ; Müller, Leon ; Dissemeyer, Nico ; Weig, Alfons ; Mustroph, Angelika:
AtERF#111/ABR1 is a transcriptional activator involved in the wounding response.
In: The Plant Journal.
Vol. 100
(6 August 2019)
Issue 5
- pp. 969-990.
ISSN 1365-313X
DOI der Verlagsversion:
Müller, Jana T. ; van Veen, Hans ; Bartylla, Malte M. ; Akman, Melis ; Pedersen, Ole ; Sun, Pulu ; Schuurink, Robert C. ; Takeuchi, Jun ; Todoroki, Yasushi ; Weig, Alfons ; Sasidharan, Rashmi ; Mustroph, Angelika:
Keeping the shoot above water : submergence triggers antithetical growth responses in stems and petioles of watercress (Nasturtium officinale ).
In: New Phytologist.
ISSN 1469-8137
DOI der Verlagsversion:
Gasch, Philipp:
Zentrale Cis- und Transregulation der pflanzlichen Hypoxieantwort.
. - VII, 158 P.
Doctoral thesis,
, University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)