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Allergenicity and structural properties of new Cor a 1 isoallergens from hazel identified in different plant tissues

DOI zum Zitieren der Version auf EPub Bayreuth:
URN zum Zitieren der Version auf EPub Bayreuth: urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-8344-3


Hendrich, Julian ; Reuter, Andreas ; Jacob, Thessa ; Kara, Hatice ; Amer, Sherine ; Rödel, Katharina ; Wöhrl, Birgitta M.:
Allergenicity and structural properties of new Cor a 1 isoallergens from hazel identified in different plant tissues.
In: Scientific Reports. Bd. 14 (2024) Heft 1 . - 5618.
ISSN 2045-2322
DOI der Verlagsversion:


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Projektfinanzierung: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


The hazel allergen Cor a 1 is a PR-10 protein, closely related to the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. Hazel allergies are caused by cross-reactive IgE antibodies originally directed against Bet v 1. Despite the importance of PR-10 proteins in allergy development, their function and localization in the plant remain largely elusive. Therefore, the presence of Cor a 1 mRNA and proteins was investigated in different tissues, i.e., the female flower, immature and mature nuts, catkins, and pollen. Four yet unknown Cor a 1 isoallergens, i.e., Cor a 1.0501–1.0801, and one new Cor a 1.03 variant were discovered and characterized. Depending on the isoallergen, the occurrence and level of mRNA expression varied in different tissues, suggesting different functions. Interestingly, Cor a 1.04 previously thought to be only present in nuts, was also detected in catkins and pollen. The corresponding Cor a 1 genes were expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified proteins were analysed by CD and NMR spectroscopy. Immunoblots and ELISAs to determine their allergenic potential showed that the new proteins reacted positively with sera from patients allergic to birch, hazel and elder pollen and were recognized as novel isoallergens/variants by the WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee.

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Publikationsform: Artikel in einer Zeitschrift
Keywords: PR-10 protein; Bet v 1, Cor a 1 isoallergens; Gene expression; LC-MSE; Hazel genome; Corylus avellana; Immunoblot; ELISA; RT-PCR; Tm-values
Themengebiete aus DDC: 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 540 Chemie
500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 570 Biowissenschaften; Biologie
Institutionen der Universität: Fakultäten > Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften > Fachgruppe Chemie > Ehemalige ProfessorInnen > Lehrstuhl Biopolymere - Apl. Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wöhrl
Fakultäten > Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Fakultäten > Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften > Fachgruppe Chemie
Fakultäten > Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften > Fachgruppe Chemie > Ehemalige ProfessorInnen
Sprache: Englisch
Titel an der UBT entstanden: Ja
URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-8344-3
Eingestellt am: 24 Mrz 2025 11:05
Letzte Änderung: 24 Mrz 2025 11:06


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