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Buck, Christoph ; Doctor, Eileen ; Hennrich, Jasmin ; Jöhnk, Jan ; Eymann, Torsten:
General Practitioners' Attitudes Toward Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Systems : Interview Study.
In: Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Bd. 24
Heft 1
- No. e28916.
ISSN 1438-8871
DOI der Verlagsversion:
Lockl, Jannik ; Schick, Doreen ; Stoetzer, Jens-Christian ; Huff, Katrin:
A Model to Assess the Impact of Digital Technologies on the Health-Related Quality of Life.
In: International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care.
Bd. 38
Heft 1
- e81.
ISSN 1471-6348
DOI der Verlagsversion: