Publications "Singh, Simone"
Jump to: Book / Monograph | Article in a book Number of items: 2. Book / Monograph
Crossing Borders - Innovation in the U.S. Health Care System.
ed.: Schmid, Andreas ; Singh, Simone Bayreuth : P.C.O. , 2017 . - 279 P. - (Schriften zur Gesundheitsökonomie ; 84 ) ISBN 978-3-941678-63-7 Article in a book
Singh, Simone ; Schmid, Andreas:
Editorial: Crossing Borders - Innovation in the U.S. Health Care System. In: Schmid, Andreas ; Singh, Simone (ed.): Crossing Borders - Innovation in the U.S. Health Care System. - Bayreuth : P.C.O. , 2017 . - pp. 5-7 . - (Schriften zur Gesundheitsökonomie ; 84 ) ISBN 978-3-941678-63-7 |