Publications "Sörgel, Matthias"
Number of items: 2.
Sörgel, Matthias:
Heterogeneous chemistry of HONO and surface exchange. Bayreuth , 2013 . - 141 S. P. ( Doctoral thesis, 2012 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences)
Serafimovich, Andrei ; Eder, Fabian ; Hübner, Jörg ; Falge, Eva ; Voß, Linda ; Sörgel, Matthias ; Held, Andreas ; Liu, Qianqian ; Eigenmann, Rafael ; Huber, Kilian ; Duarte, Henrique F. ; Werle, Peter ; Gast, Eckhard ; Cieslik, Stanislaw ; Heping, Liu ; Foken, Thomas:
ExchanGE processes in mountainous Regions (EGER)- Documentation of the Intensive Observation Period (IOP3) June, 13th to July, 26th 2011. Bayreuth , 2011 . - (Arbeitsergebnisse / Universität Bayreuth, Abteilung Mikrometeorologie ; 47 ) |