Publications "Kuhn, Stefan"
Number of items: 4. Doctoral thesis
Kuhn, Stefan:
Wissens- und sensorbasierte geometrische Rekonstruktion. Bayreuth , 2012 . - 240 S. P. ( Doctoral thesis, 2012 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences) Preprint, postprint
Hänel, Maria ; Kuhn, Stefan ; Heinrich, Dominik ; Grüne, Lars ; Pannek, Jürgen:
Optimal Camera Placement to measure Distances Conservativly Regarding Static and Dynamic Obstacles. Bayreuth , 2011 Project report, research report, survey
Kuhn, Stefan ; Henrich, Dominik:
Multi-View Reconstruction in-between Known Environments. Bayreuth , 2010
Kuhn, Stefan ; Henrich, Dominik:
Multi-View Reconstruction of Unknown Objects in the Presence of Known Occlusions. Bayreuth , 2009 |