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Drivers of consumer food choices of multinational corporations' products over local foods in Ghana : a maximum difference scaling study

DOI zum Zitieren der Version auf EPub Bayreuth:
URN zum Zitieren der Version auf EPub Bayreuth: urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-8352-7


Nyarko, Eric ; Bartelmeß, Tina:
Drivers of consumer food choices of multinational corporations' products over local foods in Ghana : a maximum difference scaling study.
In: Globalization and Health. Bd. 20 (2024) . - 22.
ISSN 1744-8603
DOI der Verlagsversion:


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Projektfinanzierung: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Introduction The fundamental transformation of food systems and retail environments in low-income countries is influencing consumers' food choices and dietary habits in unfavourable directions through the consumption of highly processed, energy-dense foods, predominantly manufactured by multinational food corporations. This study aims to identify the principal factors driving consumers' preference for multinational foods over local foods in the urban Accra region of Ghana. Method This cross-sectional survey involving a random sample of 200 consumers conducted in March/April 2023 using interviewer-administered questionnaires employed a maximum difference scaling approach to investigate the drivers of urban Ghanaian consumer food choices for multinational food corporations' products over local foods. The maximum difference scaling modelling analysis utilized in this study identifies the primary drivers of multinational food corporations' product preferences and the associated trade-offs. Result The study discovered that food quality and safe packaging, perceived healthiness, taste and flavour, and nutritional value were the most significant factors driving consumer preference for multinational food corporations' products over local foods in Ghana. The criterion food quality and safe packaging had the significantly highest utility than all other attributes in terms of consumer preference for products/meals from multinational food corporations over local foods. Conclusion The results of this study provide significant contributions to the existing body of research, as previous studies have not identified these factors as primary drivers of multinational food products. Public health authorities and nutritionists can use the study's findings to implement targeted quality assurance measures in local markets and to address the drivers in health education campaigns.

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Publikationsform: Artikel in einer Zeitschrift
Keywords: Nutrition transition; Multinational food corporations; Supermarkets; Fast-food; Consumer preferences; Ghana
Themengebiete aus DDC: 300 Sozialwissenschaften > 300 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie
Institutionen der Universität: Fakultäten > Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit
Fakultäten > Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit > Juniorprofessur Ernährungssoziologie > Juniorprofessur Ernährungssoziologie - Juniorprof. Dr. Tina Bartelmeß
Fakultäten > Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften: Lebensmittel, Ernährung und Gesundheit > Juniorprofessur Ernährungssoziologie
Sprache: Englisch
Titel an der UBT entstanden: Ja
URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-8352-7
Eingestellt am: 25 Mrz 2025 10:15
Letzte Änderung: 25 Mrz 2025 10:16


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