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Thermal convection in a thermosensitive colloidal suspension

URN to cite this document: urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3958-3

Title data

Winkel, Florian ; Messlinger, Stephan ; Schöpf, Wolfgang ; Rehberg, Ingo ; Siebenbürger, Miriam ; Ballauff, Matthias:
Thermal convection in a thermosensitive colloidal suspension.
In: New Journal of Physics. Vol. 12 (May 2010) . - no. 053003.
ISSN 1367-2630
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Project title:
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Teilprojekt Konvektion in Suspensionen
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Project financing: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Thermal convection is investigated experimentally in a microgel suspension that consists of core-shell colloids, which change their size with temperature. The swelling and shrinking of the particles strongly modify their volume fraction in the carrier fluid and therefore the viscosity of the suspension. In this experiment, thermal convection in a Hele–Shaw-like apparatus is monitored using the shadowgraph technique. When compared to a normal fluid, the threshold temperature difference is reduced dramatically, which is interpreted as a manifestation of the Soret effect, i.e. the temperature gradient applied to the suspension induces an unstable gradient of the colloid concentration. The wavelength in the nonlinear regime is very different from the one observed in water. Furthermore, transient oscillations of the patterns are detected in the nonlinear regime and are investigated as a function of the applied temperature difference.

Further data

Item Type: Article in a journal
Keywords: Nonlinear dynamics; Pattern formation; Spatially extended systems; Thermal convection; Thermosensitive colloidal suspensions
DDC Subjects: 500 Science > 530 Physics
Institutions of the University: Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Physics > Former Professors > Chair Experimental Physics V - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ingo Rehberg
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Physics
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Physics > Chair Experimental Physics V
Faculties > Faculty of Mathematics, Physics und Computer Science > Department of Physics > Former Professors
Language: German
Originates at UBT: Yes
URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3958-3
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2019 10:22
Last Modified: 01 Jul 2020 10:36


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