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Common process demands of two complex dynamic control tasks : Transfer is mediated by comprehensive strategies


Schoppek, Wolfgang ; Fischer, Andreas:
Common process demands of two complex dynamic control tasks : Transfer is mediated by comprehensive strategies.
In: Frontiers in Psychology. Bd. 8 (Dezember 2017) . - Art. 2145.
ISSN 1664-1078
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Although individual differences in complex problem solving (CPS) are well established, relatively little is known about the process demands that are common to different dynamic control (CDC) tasks. A prominent example is the VOTAT strategy that describes the separate variation of input variables ("Vary One Thing At a Time") for analyzing the causal structure of a system. To investigate such comprehensive knowledge elements and strategies, we devised the real-time driven CDC environment Dynamis2 and compared it with the widely used CPS test MicroDYN in a transfer experiment. 165 subjects participated in the experiment, which completely combined the role of MicroDYN and Dynamis2 as source or target problem. Figural reasoning was assessed using a variant of the Raven Test. We found the expected substantial correlations among figural reasoning and performance in both CDC tasks. Moreover, MicroDYN and Dynamis2 share 15.4% unique variance controlling for figural reasoning. We found positive transfer from MicroDYN to Dynamis2, but no transfer in the opposite direction. Contrary to our expectation, transfer was not mediated by VOTAT but by an approach that is characterized by setting all input variables to zero after an intervention and waiting a certain time. This strategy (called PULSE strategy) enables the problem solver to observe the eigendynamics of the system. We conclude that for the study of complex problem solving it is important to employ a range of different CDC tasks in order to identify components of CPS. We propose that besides VOTAT and PULSE other comprehensive knowledge elements and strategies, which contribute to successful CPS, should be investigated. The positive transfer from MicroDYN to the more complex and dynamic Dynamis2 suggests an application of MicroDYN as training device.

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Publikationsform: Artikel in einer Zeitschrift
Keywords: Complex Problem Solving; complex dynamic control; dynamic decision making; strategies; Knowledge acquisition
Themengebiete aus DDC: 100 Philosophie und Psychologie > 150 Psychologie
Institutionen der Universität: Fakultäten > Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät > Lehrstuhl Psychologie > Lehrstuhl Psychologie - Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carlos Kölbl
Fakultäten > Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Fakultäten > Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät > Lehrstuhl Psychologie
Sprache: Englisch
Titel an der UBT entstanden: Ja
Eingestellt am: 15 Dec 2017 07:52
Letzte Änderung: 29 Jun 2020 10:22


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