Publications "Siekmann, Frank"
Jump to: Article in a journal | Doctoral thesis Number of items: 2. Article in a journal
Han, Lei ; Siekmann, Frank ; Zetzsch, Cornelius:
Rate Constants for the Reaction of OH Radicals with Hydrocarbons in a Smog Chamber at Low Atmospheric Temperatures. In: Atmosphere. Vol. 9 (2018) Issue 8 . - No. 320. ISSN 2073-4433 DOI der Verlagsversion: Doctoral thesis
Siekmann, Frank:
Freisetzung von photolabilen und reaktiven Halogenverbindungen aus salzhaltigen Aerosolen unter simulierten troposphärischen Reinluftbedingungen in einer Aerosol-Smogkammer. Bayreuth , 2008 ( Doctoral thesis, 2008 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences) |