Publications "Schubert, Ruth"
Jump to: Book / Monograph Number of items: 2. Book / Monograph
Neubert, Dieter ; Stoll, Florian:
Socio-Cultural Diversity of the African Middle Class : the Case of Urban Kenya. transl.: Schubert, Ruth . Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, Institute of African Studies Bayreuth Bayreuth , 2015 . - VI, 18 P. - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers ; 14 ) (academy reflects ; 1)
Neubert, Dieter:
Civil society in Africa? : Forms of social self-organization between the poles of globalization and local socio-political order. transl.: Schubert, Ruth . Institut für Afrikastudien Bayreuth , 2014 . - 23 P. - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers ; 12 ) |