Publications "Schindler, Stefan"
Number of items: 2.
Hahn, Markus ; Schindler, Stefan ; Triebs, Lisa-Charlotte ; Danzer, Michael A.:
Optimized Process Parameters for a Reproducible Distribution of Relaxation Times Analysis of Electrochemical Systems. In: Batteries. Vol. 5 (2019) Issue 2 . - No. 43. ISSN 2313-0105 DOI der Verlagsversion:
Schindler, Stefan:
Diskrete elektrochemische Modellierung und experimentelle Identifikation von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen basierend auf Halbzellpotentialen. Bayreuth , 2018 . - X, 217 P. ( Doctoral thesis, 2018 , University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Engineering Science) |