Publications "Groß, Elena"
Jump to: 2022 Number of items: 2. 2022
Groß, Elena ; Guenther, Isabel ; Schipper, Youdi:
Improved water supply and water handling technologies: Revealed complements but perceived substitutes for safe water quality. In: Development Engineering. Vol. 7 (2022) . - No. 10089. ISSN 2352-7285 DOI der Verlagsversion:
Groß, Elena ; Nowak-Lehmann Danzinger, Felicitas:
What effect does development aid have on productivity in recipient countries? In: Review of Development Economics. Vol. 26 (2022) Issue 3 . - pp. 1438-1465. ISSN 1467-9361 DOI der Verlagsversion: |