Veröffentlichungen "Berger, Markus"
Anzahl der Einträge: 2. 2023
Smolka, Georg ; Kosatica, Ervin ; Berger, Markus ; Kissinger, Meidad ; Fridman, Dor ; Koellner, Thomas:
Domestic water versus imported virtual blue water for agricultural production : A comparison based on energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions. In: Journal of Industrial Ecolocy. Bd. 27 (2023) Heft 4 . - S. 1123-1136. ISSN 1530-9290 DOI der Verlagsversion: 2020
Berger, Markus ; Sonderegger, Thomas ; Alvarenga, Rodrigo ; Bach, Vanessa ; Cimprich, Alexander ; Dewulf, Jo ; Frischknecht, Rolf ; Guineé, Jeroen ; Helbig, Christoph ; Huppertz, Tom ; Jolliet, Olivier ; Motoshita, Masaharu ; Northey, Stephen ; Peña, Claudia A. ; Rugani, Benedetto ; Sahnoune, Abdelhadi ; Schrijvers, Dieuwertje ; Schulze, Rita ; Sonnemann, Guido ; Valero, Alicia ; Weidema, Bo. P. ; Young, Steven B.:
Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment: part II – recommendations on application-dependent use of existing methods and on future method development needs. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Bd. 25 (2020) Heft 4 . - S. 798-813. ISSN 1614-7502 DOI der Verlagsversion: |