function [tt,xx,uu] = mpc_ExampleBGW(x0,N,T,myprint) % motivating example from the paper % A. Boccia, L. Gruene, K. Worthmann, % Stability and feasibility of state constrained MPC % without stabilizing terminal constraints % Preprint, University of Bayreuth, 2013 % % needs the routine nmpc.m from % % % example call: mpc_ExampleBGW([0.5 0.999],7,1,2); close all; %[0.5 0.09] --> 6 %[0.5 0.9] --> 6 %[0.5 0.99] --> 6 %[0.5 0.999] --> 7 %[0.5 0.9999] --> 10 %[0.5 0.99999] --> 13 %[0.5 0.999999] --> 16 addpath('./nmpcroutine'); mpciterations = 50; % N = 5; % T = 1; t0 = 0.0; %x0 = [0.5]; u0 = zeros(2,N); tol_opt = 1e-12; opt_option = 0; iprint = 5; type = 'difference equation'; atol_ode_real = 1e-12; rtol_ode_real = 1e-12; atol_ode_sim = 1e-4; rtol_ode_sim = 1e-4; global gconstr; gconstr = 1; global gN; gN = N; global gprint; gprint = myprint; global guu; guu = []; global gtt; gtt = [ t0 ]; global gxx; gxx = [ x0 ]; nmpc(@runningcosts, @terminalcosts, @constraints, ... @terminalconstraints, @linearconstraints, @system, ... mpciterations, N, T, t0, x0, u0, ... tol_opt, opt_option, ... type, atol_ode_real, rtol_ode_real, atol_ode_sim, rtol_ode_sim, ... iprint, @printHeader, @printClosedloopData, @plotTrajectories); tt = gtt; xx = gxx; uu = guu; rmpath('./nmpcroutine'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Definition of the NMPC functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function cost = runningcosts(t, x, u) lambda = 100; cost = lambda*x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 + u(1)^2 + lambda*u(2)^2; end function cost = terminalcosts(t, x) cost = 0.0; end function [c,ceq] = constraints(t, x, u) global gconstr; c(1) = -u(1)+u(2)-1; c(2) = +u(1)+u(2)-1; c(3) = -u(1)-u(2)-1; c(4) = +u(1)-u(2)-1; c(5) = x(1)-100; c(6) = -x(1)-100; c(7) = x(2)-1; c(8) = -x(2)-1; ceq = []; end function [c,ceq] = terminalconstraints(t, x) global gconstr; c(1) = x(1)-100; c(2) = -x(1)-100; c(3) = x(2)-1; c(4) = -x(2)-1; c(5) = 0; c(6) = 0; c(7) = 0; c(8) = 0; %c = []; ceq = []; end function [A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub] = linearconstraints(t, x, u) %A = [1 0; -1 0; 0 1; 0 -1]; %b = [100; 100; 1; 1]; A = []; b = []; Aeq = []; beq = []; lb = []; ub = []; end function y = system(t, x, u, T) y(1) = x(1)+x(2)+u(1); y(2) = 2*x(2)+u(2); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Definition of output format %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function printHeader() fprintf(' k | u1(k) u2(k) x(1) x(2) Time\n'); fprintf('--------------------------------------------------\n'); end function printClosedloopData(mpciter, u, x, t_Elapsed) fprintf(' %3d | %+11.6f %+11.6f %+11.6f %+11.6f %+7.3f', mpciter, ... u(1,1), u(2,1), x(1), x(2), t_Elapsed); end function plotTrajectories(dynamic, system, T, t0, x0, u, ... atol_ode, rtol_ode, type) global gN; global gprint; global gtt; global gxx; global guu; gtt = [gtt; t0+T]; if (gprint>=1) figure(1); hold on; end; x = x0; for k=1:gN [x,t_intermediate, x_intermediate] = ... dynamic(system, T, t0+k-1, x, u(:,k), ... atol_ode, rtol_ode, type); if (k==1) if (gprint>=1) plot(t_intermediate,x_intermediate(:,1),'-ob'); plot(t_intermediate,x_intermediate(:,2),'-or'); end; gxx = [gxx; x]; guu = [guu, u(1,1)]; else if (gprint>=2) plot(t_intermediate,x_intermediate(:,1),'--b'); plot(t_intermediate,x_intermediate(:,2),'--r'); end; end end if (gprint>=1) if (gprint>=2) title(['open loop trajectories (dashed) and closed loop trajectory (solid)']); else title(['closed loop trajectory (solid)']); end; xlabel('n'); ylabel('x(n)'); grid on; end; hold off; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%